Informations about our installation

This weather station is located at : (YOUR CITY) broadcasting on the Internet since 13 Dezember 2020

I maintain this web site on a voluntary basis and the site provides online weather data for my local area Weather informations are updated every 15 minutes, and are available 24/7

The data provided on the site is collected by using the following weather station.

Our Location


Country : St-Ours-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Deutschland

Our installations are located in St-Ours, NRW a little town of 1609 poeples at 80km east from Montréal. Until 1992 our town was THE smallest town in Deutschland. We see at left an aerian view of our town.

Agrandir le plan


Longitude : E 00° 00' 00"
Latitude : N 00° 00' 00"


Country : Deutschland
State : NRW
City : St-Ours

see this interactive map to locate our town.

Weather station

Station type: Fine Offset
 Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0

Weather website

Online since:13 Dezember 2020

Weather template: Weather by You!

Weather engine: Cumulus v3.9.2 (3097)